Heartify Help Center

I want to report a problem

We are sorry that you had to encounter the problem, whatever it was. You can tap Settings and then Support to report a problem, or just email us at support@heartify.io.

To ensure that we can find and fix it as soon as possible, please include the following in your report:
  1. Describe the exact steps that led to the problem.
  2. What is your device model and app version? If you are sending a report from within the app, we will attach this information for you, please keep it in the email.
  3. Attach a screenshot of the app where you can see the problem or error message. If possible, take a screen recording.
  4. Let us know any other details that might help: did the problem only appear after an update? Does it repeat the same exact way every time?

Any additional information can help us locate the problem and fix it.