Heart Health

Get the Free Access to the Heartify App

Every year, millions of people around the world die from cardiovascular disease. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death globally. It's essential to understand why monitoring your heart health is vital, and Heartify can help you achieve your health goals. To raise awareness for heart health, we present you the Heartify App.

Heartifya personalized, all-in-one App that allows users to monitor their heart health anytime and anywhere from the comfort of their finger! The App features a long list of tracking options, including readiness, HRV (heart rate variability), heart rate, stress levels, energy levels, and tension levels – enabling users to get an accurate picture of their current health status at any given time and gain invaluable insights into their body's response to stressors and readiness for new life challenges.

*Unlock 14 days of PREMIUM access to the App, absolutely free! Use promo code HRT23 upon signing up.
Click here to download the App.

The Benefits of Tracking Your Heart Health

Tracking your heart health can have an enormous impact on your overall well-being. Regular monitoring allows you to:

- recognize any potential problems before they become severe and address them appropriately,

- get a better understanding of how daily activities such as exercise, diet, sleep, and stress levels affect your body,

- make adjustments to improve your overall health,

- detect stress levels and provide insights into psychological stressors,

- boost the immune system,

- maintain mental health and reassess your lifestyle habits.

For now, we prepared 3 simple tips that everyone should keep in mind to make sure they're taking care of their hearts throughout the year:

1) Eat a healthy diet.
Eating a balanced diet filled with fruits and vegetables can help reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease by maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and keeping your weight healthy.

2) Regular exercise is critical for maintaining a healthy heart.
Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity per day or 150 minutes per week to stay fit and healthy both physically and mentally.

3) Professional heart health check-ups are an essential step in ensuring the continued well-being of one's heart.
During these check-ups, medical professionals assess everything from the heart's rate and valve function to listen for any irregularities or other signs of danger.

Many tools make it easier to track our heart health so we can stay ahead of any potential issues and maintain optimal well-being from now on. One such tool is Heartify a personalized app that helps you monitor your heart anytime from the finger! Sign up with promo code HRT23 for free access during February*! Don't miss out on this opportunity!

*Unlock 14 days of PREMIUM access to the App, absolutely free! Note that you can cancel it at any time during this period.

How to use the promo code?
  1. Download it now with a single click.
  2. Don't forget to hit that 'restore' or 'close' button when you get in.
  3. Your subscription is successfully activated!
  4. Enjoy the experience!
Respectfully yours,